Knowing your farmer is the best assurance that the food you buy is responsibly grown. The Snoqualmie Valley Farmers Cooperative (SVFC) believes that farmers should work in harmony with nature and leave the small portion of the planet over which they have stewardship in better condition than when they found it. This commitment is based on the integrity of the farmer and serves as a bridge for consumers and farmers alike to better know the agriculturists that strive to create healthy communities, local food security, and food sovereignty. Farmers who sign this Commitment agree to adhere to the principles outlined below. They agree that an agent of the SVFC may inspect, by appointment, the farm to ensure that these principles are followed. If any person visits a farm and believes its practices do not honor this Commitment, they may contact the SVFC to register a complaint. USDA created a National Organic Program, which defined and regulated the agricultural uses of the word organic through a set of national organic standards. Signing this Commitment does not entitle a farmer to represent their products as organic. However, the SVFC believes that certified organic farmers and farmers that sign this Commitment have far more in common than in conflict. Our commitment covers four areas: Healthy Land & Livestock, Healthy Economy, Healthy People, and Food Safety.
Healthy Land & Livestock
In our farming, processing, and marketing, we commit to:
- Build and maintain healthy soils by using farming practices that include rotating crops annually, using compost, cover crops, green manures, and reducing tillage;
- Serve the health of soil, people, and nature by rejecting the use of synthetic insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers;
- Only apply agricultural inputs approved for use by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) or Washington State Department of Agriculture’s (WSDA) Brand Name Material List or the National Organic Program’s (USDA NOP) National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances;
- Conserve natural resources including the atmosphere and climate by reducing erosion and pollution of air, soil, and water through responsible farming practices;
- Reject the use of GMOs, chemically treated seeds, synthetic toxic materials, irradiation, and sewage sludge in our farming;
- Treat livestock humanely by providing pasture, access to outdoors and fresh air for all livestock, using no hormones or antibiotics in feed;
- Handle raw manure and soil amendments responsibly;
- Reduce the ecological footprint of farms and homes by limiting energy use and converting to renewable sources of energy whenever possible;
- Create beneficial habitat for wildlife and encourage ecological biodiversity.
Healthy Economy
In our farming, processing, and marketing, we commit to:
- Support agricultural markets and infrastructure that enable small farms to thrive;
- Reduce food miles by selling our farm products locally and regionally;
- Use ethical business practices;
- Help preserve farmland for future generations;
- Share and develop farming skills and know-how;
- Work in cooperation with other local farmers to promote a more healthy and just regional food system.
Healthy People
In our farming, processing, and marketing, we commit to:
- Ensure food safety by using potable water for washing crops;
- Take appropriate measures to minimize the risk of negative health consequences caused by consumption of our products;
- Train staff in proper safety, health, and hygiene practices;
- Educate our customers when necessary on proper food storage and preparation techniques;
- Practice minimal processing for all food products to preserve the natural nutritional value of food: NO use of irradiation, ultra-pasteurization, excessive heat, synthetic preservatives, or GMO processing agents or additives;
- Maximize the nutritional value of food and feed by practicing careful post-harvest handling;
- Acknowledge farm workers right to freedom of association and to collective bargaining;
- Treat family members and farm workers with respect, and ensure their safety on the farm;
- Encourage the distribution of unsold but edible food to people who need it.
Food Safety
The SVFC is committed to selling healthy and delicious food that can be consumed safely. We believe that it is possible to sell safe food without compromising our ability to practice sustainable farming methods or to support ecological diversity. The SVFC farmers follow standards required of their particular operations by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which establishes science-based standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fruits and vegetables. This commitment is based on the integrity of the farmer to both understand how FSMA standards apply to their operation and comply with any applicable standards by their respective deadlines established in the law.